Oki Lukman
Oki Lukman

The role of  Oki Lukman (Oki) in “Idola Cilik 2”, a program broadcasted by local TV Station RCTI is inseparable. As a host in this program, she is able to change the atmosphere in the studio to be full of laughs through her funny doings. Her looks this time is totally different compared with the same program she hosted 2 years ago “Idola Cilik 1”. Honestly, 2 years ago when the first time I watched her hosted this program, I didn’t really like her. Contrary I wondered why did she screamed as that loud just to call a name of each contestant? Why didn’t she lowering her voice and call out the name normally? Until now she’s still the same. Screaming as loud as she wants! Now I wonder, why this feeling is not the same like it used to be? Today, the more she screaming, the more I like it and I really enjoying her jokes.

One day, I didn’t know why, she “dissapeard” and her position replaced by a daughter of “Queen of Dangdut”. The situation became strange, monotonous and quite boring! One thing that had irritated me was when she left the stage and ignored a sad child who was crying because he got a Red Star and must leave the stage for the next. She should be there to comfort him and wipe his tears. That was the first time I realized that Oki’s role is very big in this program. Oki seems like has more responsibility in doing her duty. And when she turned up the day after, I could breathe easy and gratefully prayed“Oh thank’s God for bringing Oki back! Please don’t send “ that” damn- boring women back to the stage anymore (I mean in this program)!” – (Amanda! You’re very rude!!!)  😡

Beside funny and has a good sense of humors, she’s also snivelish. In Mother’s Day, she read a poetry as a special


giftssa47434 for her Mother (a long poetry) while crying. I was amazed to see her tearfully reading that poetry and I cried too  😦

The way she doing interaction with all young contestant isn’t pretended at all. She treats them like her own brother/sister. In sadness she cries – in happiness she laughs. She invites everyone to sing included juries, orchestra’s player (especially the drummer, humm…), cameraman, etc. I can’t stop laughing everytime she Davemocking a jury named Dave.


Oh, by the way, have I told you that she is good in singing too? Ok, maybe not as good as Winda, but… at least her voice is much better than mine, haha…. !  😀

The first time I saw her on TV was when she acted in “Lenong Bocah”. She probably 9 or 10 years in that time and had a funny haircut. But I watched it infrequently since “Lenong Bocah” was broadcasted in the afternoon and to be honest I didn’t really understand what was the essence of this program. It was a parody program, such a comedy with Betawi accent. Well, whatever…!

Oki today reminds me of one funny-famous host few years ago Ulfa Dwiyanti. Is Oki soon will be as famous as Ulfa? I hope so …..

I have a question : what happen between Oki and a drummer in “Idola Cilik” ?
Hehe… Ssss…ttt! It’s a sssss……s…ecret!!!!   😆

39 thoughts on “IDOLA CILIK (OKI LUKMAN)”

  1. Hi Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Aq minta tLONG y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    bisa minta alamatnya IRSYAD and phone number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    makasih y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111


  2. Aq mo protes nech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kenapa sih????????????????????
    IRSYAD cepat kali tereliminasi ???????????????????
    padahal IRSYAD yang paling berpotensi dan memiliki karakter yang kuat tp kok malah
    secepat itu tersisish???????????????????
    Aq kesal ma ICIL
    masa’ aq kirim sms UNTUK IRSYAD tanggal 31 januari 2009,udah berkali2
    tapig’ diterima terus???????????????????????????????
    malahan tengah malam baru masuk
    untuk apa lagi ?????????????????????/IRSYAD dah keluar kok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    Kayaknya ada permainan y??????????????????????????????
    Dalam penilaiannya????????????????????
    Aq jadi mles nonton Idola cilik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    G’ RELEVAVAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Tolong dunk IRSYAD diterik lg kaya’ ANGEL dulu…………kenapa bisa


  3. Aq kecewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabenget ma ICIL
    ICIL bukan milih yang terbaik dari suara……………….
    tapi dari tampang dan faktor kasihan

    Semua orang memuji IRSYAD
    klo dia bisa bertahan sampai 5 besarlah setidaknya……………….
    tp kenyataaanya ……………………
    Aq kecewa banget……………………



  4. Yaahhh…. Nana, protes soal irsyad kok di halamannya Oki, jadi bingung nyari posisinya… hehe….

    Iya tuh, aq juga kecewa dan yang lainnya juga. Mgk sms km nyampenya malam, karena berdesakan dengan sms lain yang juga mo’ masuk …

    Nggak relevan, penilaian yg g’ msk akal dan tdk transparan. Mgk yg lain benar, ini cm akal-akalan, ada ‘tender’ di balik layar.


  5. oki loe emang presenter hebat….tapi itu lho wkt abner nyanyiin lagu daerah koq di dubling terus sich? nggak asyik tau…..


  6. Febi we’re really sorry. On this site we don’t coordinate, emphasize or manage on competitor’s private number.


  7. ENGGAR <—– koleksi foto Echa nggak banyak disini tp mengingat banyaknya permintaan akan hal itu, yah.. qt usahain deh…


  8. duuuuh… kak oki gokil bgt siy…
    pngn deh bisa seheboh kak oki…
    biar murid2 di tk ku heboh jg… hehehe… pdhl dh heboh bgt d tk ku…
    bwt debo, jgn sedih ya kalo dapet rapot merah.yang penting kan penampilan debo dah maksimal minggu kmrn yaaa…..


  9. Halo kak oki….
    anak saya ingin banget bertemu sama Debo!!!!
    Klo dia cima ngeliat debo lansung dia tuh nangis trus karena dia gx mau klo Debo itu di tarik tarik tangan nya!!!!


  10. Pak Muhammad <—– Link aja ke FS-nya Debo di sini. Dgr2 sih bkn Debo yang meng-organize FS ini, tp mgk ini bs membantu utk bs mdptkan info yg Bapak inginkan. 🙂


  11. hai kak oki…………………………………………………
    aku nge fans bgt ama kak oki…..
    because kak oki hebat buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanget dalam hal nge-mc
    aku benci banget kalo kak oki di usilin sama om daph & ka’ winda……………….
    udah dulu ya…………………………………………….
    da da kak oki…………………….


  12. debo,,,,,

    b’juang y ampe finalis icil 2??
    kta {rani, ajeng, shita, husnul, feby} pda ngefrans loh ama kmu??
    because kmu lcu, ckep, jgo, dlam m’nyanyi!!
    plsa q abis dri 20.000 tuk dkg kmu loh!!
    kmu hrs klahin oik, obiet, patton, terutama rahmi y??


  13. waw!! nak ic emang paling is the best pa lagi presenterx yg cu73 itu pokoknya nak idola cilik paling keren dechh……. pa lagi da cakka yang guanteng abbiess and cool abiess, cut3 pokoknya cakka nak ic yg paling good, salam kenal ya cakka ku pu7h3 yang sangat seneng ma gayalo tuuu.. cool abbiess truzt buat rahmi gaya loe terlalu dewasa s’kali2 pake kostum yang lucu dong jangan model bajunya ituuu…teruss bosan tauuu…. gayax ituu truzt jadi kita yg nonton gak penasaran tuh.. ma gaya kamu mala kita jadi bosan truzt buat cakka pokoknya soal kostum kamu gak ada tandingannya… pokoknya cakka paling oke! hidup cakka …hore…


  14. Ka’amanda…
    Q bleh gk mnta no hpny cakka N debo… Sekalian alamat rmh mreka br2…
    Krimin y,, klw bsa sh krimny lngsng k’no hp Q aj..
    Nh no hpny 085245770896


  15. K’Oki…..
    klo blh minta tlg, bilangin ke k.echa donk foto-fotonya di upload donk biar kita-kita bisa pada download gt lho…….
    soalnya cakep bgt orangnya……..


  16. oki you the best presenter in indonesia ..
    oki paket yang lengkap,,smart,,lucu..heboh ga ngebosanin,,gaol abizzz,,,u the best


  17. kak gimana cara daftar freindester kasih tau yaaaaaaaaa,kalau udah dikasih tau ke yahoo ku,kak oki cantik deh.kak pacar kakak siapasih kasih tau donk.


  18. wah……met yach bwat nova..mpe jgak akhir na k’grand final,g’ sia2 donk plsa qu ntuk mndukung mu..qu sk bnget dng pnmpilan qm,truz brjuang yach………………………..horas medan…


  19. weeeeee…met yach bwat nova akhir na msok jgak k’ 5 bsar……pa ge pnampilan na ma patoon bwat merindingggghhhh…..qu kn slalu mndukung qm…majo trozzz pantang mundorrrrrrrrrrrr….horazzz medan


  20. kak oki hendra pengen ketemu sma ka oki padahal hendra udah ikutan audisi idola cilik 3 di bandung hendra gagal .padahal hendra ingin sekali bahagiakan orang tua….. tpi tak tercapai..mungkin dewasa nanti…..


  21. hendra ingin punya kebahagaian seperti anak anak idola cilik…..tpi mungkin aku belum beruntung seperti mereka…….


  22. q ngefens bgettttttttt ma debo tlong donk aq pngin no nya debo. tlonk krimin y ke no nie 085759588019 tlong y pliiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


  23. q ngefens bgettttttttt ma debo tlong donk aq pngin no nya debo. tlonk krimin y ke no nie 085759588019 tlong y pliiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    klu bsa krim no nya krank y jgan lma2 di tunggu lho…………………………


  24. Bandung,26 November 2011
    hello semua …. ka oki saya mau nanya kapan sih ( dimulai lagi ) audisinya di bdg?
    farhan udah nggk sabar ingin masuk idola cilik plisss jawab ya kak …..
    thanks dari farhan miftahuddin suganda


  25. kak oky… kapan ada idola cilik 4… saya menunggu di tahun 2012 ini… dan saya juga menunggu mudah-mudahan audisi nya juga di senlenggarakan di jogjakarta


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